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Promote Strong Passwords with Single Sign-On

As today’s businesses embrace the cloud, the number of web apps in their IT environment quickly adds up—and quickly overwhelms the ability to ensure security, manage costs and maintain control. User password behavior is becoming less secure due to the fact that it is...

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Select a Voice and Data Partner with Confidence

Effective voice and data communications are critical to the success of your business, making it critical for you to select the right telecom provider/partner. This selection, however, can be difficult because of the many telecom providers and options available in the...

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Key Benefits and Features of Cloud-Based Hosted Data Services

One of the biggest challenges business owners face is minimizing overhead. Cloud computing is quickly becoming the standard way for businesses to access IT infrastructure, software and hardware resources. These cloud-based data services can dramatically reduce your...

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Save Time and Money with a Software Assurance Plan

Your investment in your business communications system and keeping that system available and up to date every minute of every day is critical. A short time ago, phone systems were mostly made up of wires and hardware. When the warranty on this equipment ran out,...

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Work Smarter with IoT

By now, you have likely heard the phrase “Internet of things,” or IoT. It has become a hot topic of discussion both inside and outside of the workplace. But what exactly is the “Internet of things?” IoT is the concept of connecting everyday objects (so long as they...

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Disaster Preparation, Prevention and Recovery

You've worked hard opening and running your business. Losing it to a disaster would be financially devastating for you — and for your employees. Would you know what to do if disaster struck your business? One of the most important steps you can take in running your...

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Electrical power is a good thing — until it’s not.

As business owners and managers, we like to think we're the power behind our business. We make the decisions, work with customers or clients, conduct the training, the hiring, the firing and much more. But the truth is, much of our business runs on electricity. It's...

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The Importance of Emergency Notification Systems

While we never expect to find ourselves in an emergency situation, a crisis can strike anytime, anywhere. During an emergency or dangerous event, the most pivotal step an organization can make is to quickly inform and alert people in harm’s way. Whether it’s a...

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Solving the Issue of Packet Loss

If your business is relying on a hosted PBX service to handle its phone and Unified Communications systems, it is imperative to have a solid support network. Since Voice Over IP (VoIP) relies on your internet connection to make calls, the quality of your calls can be...

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The New Distributed Workforce

With remote teams of employees becoming much more commonplace, employers are tasked with effectively managing their distributed workforce. Many technologies exist to enable and control resources available to remote employees. Voice-over-Internet-Protocol, or VoIP,...

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